Public Policy – Creating Ethical Laws and Regulations
In civilized society, public policy is the accumulation of laws, actions, regulatory measures, and the necessary funding to allow the government to function. This includes enacting laws and allocating necessary resources, along with making and enforcing policy. Public policy is often shaped by groups and individuals through advocacy, education, or when interest groups mobilize.
Oftentimes, public policy is highly influenced by rivaling interest groups in an effort to sway the enactment of laws and policies. This is often accomplished by lobbying, education, or pressure from political rivals.
Whenever governmental agencies create a new public policy, it typically involves three components that include the issue at hand, the players involved, and the policy that is generated. It is usually …[l]earning public policy and its effectiveness on society is an important aspect of living in a civilized nation”public awareness that makes the government react in creating a new policy. Public policy is typically created by setting an agenda, formulating options, and finally making a decision with implementation.
Learning public policy and its effectiveness on society is an important aspect of living in a civilized nation. Quality ethical policymaking needs to be effective, to minimize interpretation by others. Individuals that are eager to participate in public policy, take the necessary coursework to create a career based on the formulation and implementation of public policy.
A Minor in Public Policy
Many individuals eager to become involved in public policy often take it is a minor or a concentration. This provides these future policymakers with all of the necessary education and analytical tools that are necessary to effectively address challenging public issues and to develop responses to public policy.
An effective public policy program, like those offered at Swarthmore College, will heavily emphasize analytical processes and thinking by incorporating microeconomics and applied statistics. The entire curriculum is founded on affected decisions concerning the values and ethics related to policymaking.
Being highly effective in public policy requires the individual to be knowledgeable and experienced in crucial decision-making at all levels of government and other areas including non-profit, public and private sectors. Again, the having the right education is invaluable. Typically, a curriculum in public policy will encompass a variety of issues that include the environment, energy, agriculture, food, global/national security, health and social welfare. It will typically involve analysis in three different realms including political, economic and quantitative. Many individuals that take a public policy course choose to focus their practical studies on a specialized field that might include welfare issues, education, food studies, health, and studies on the environment.